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Strop’s Strut as an Allegory for Cubs Season

Related Topics: Pedro Strop, Allegory

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case a pitcher is worth only 500. Well, that’s the limit imposed for this particular piece anyway. In an effort to overcome a small bout of writer’s block, I sought counsel from the Twitters.

@DEvanAltman 500 words
HOw Strop's follow down the 3B line summed up the season

— Todd (@CubsCentral08) February 6, 2016

Pedro Strop is kind of an excitable guy, right? I mean, he’s basically a Dominican-Dutch version of Kenny Powers.

Of course, there are some differences between the Cubs reliever and the fictional star of HBO’s Eastbound and Down, mainly in the lack of general idiocy.