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FOX Sports Midwest Misses Mark with Ernie Banks ‘Tribute’

I’m not a very smart man, but even I know there are certain things you just shouldn’t say or do. For instance, you don’t compliment a woman by telling her that she looks really good in spite of her advanced age or that her new blouse makes her look less fat than usual. Also, it’s bad form to turn someone else’s moment into your own personal platform.

But it appears that is exactly what the fine folks at FOX Sports Midwest did Monday night with their in-game “tribute” to Ernie Banks. I’m sure Cardinals fans believe Mr. Cub was classy enough to have fit right in with The Man, but the fact that they chose to compare the two players’ stats side-by-side — with Musial on the left, no less — was a bit untoward if you ask me.