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Cub Tracks’ plane speaking

Welcome to today’s episode of Cub Tracks news and notes™. Here we have material from current beat writers, bloggers, and the occasional in-house habitué, moonlighting. These pieces center around #Cubs, #MiLB, and #MLB baseball, two of which have coal in their stockings at the moment.

Here’s a progress report on the CBA negotiations:


We’ll keep you updated.

The 12 Days of Cubsmas*

On the eleventh day of Cubsmas, Jed Hoyer gave to me:

One starting pitcher

Two hitting coaches

Three glove-first fielders

Four bullpen arms


Six righty hurlers

Seven NRIs

Eight roster fillers

Nine men a side

Ten Hall of Famers**

Eleven failed starters

and a beer

As always, * means autoplay on, or annoying ads, or both (directions to remove for Firefox and Chrome).