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A look at Cubs spring training season tickets

Here’s another sure sign of spring: the arrival of spring-training season tickets!

My tickets arrived Wednesday and I thought I’d give you all a look at what Sloan Park season-ticket holders received. They were in a folder (the front image of the folder is above). Here’s the back cover of the folder:

Also inside was an information card. The front has the schedule and a seating chart:

The back of the card has various rules and regulations for Sloan Park, along with parking information:

Here are the front and back of the ticket booklet:

And, since I didn’t feel like pulling all 16 tickets out and scanning them, here’s one of them, the ticket for the first spring game Saturday, February 24 (the background’s the same on all of them):

Soon, this cold-stove offseason will be over and there will be actual baseball games to talk about!