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Bulls put up united front at Media Day, but is it just a front for higher expectations?

There were no “playoffs or else” mandate coming from the powers-that-be at Bulls Media Day, as John Paxson set the tone of ambiguity while being parroted chapter and verse by Gar Forman and head coach Fred Hoiberg.

Bulls President and COO Michael Reinsdorf stood inconspicuously in the background, as he often does, shunning the spotlight and blending in amongst the crowd.

Perhaps they were giving Hoiberg a brief reprieve from the drama they’ve seemingly had hands in over the past few years, the passive-aggressive march to no-man’s land.

If you were looking for hidden messages about hot seats or direct expectations surrounding a talented but uneven Bulls team, they were not to be found and clearly the gamut was laid well before Monday’s news conference.