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Bulls and Zach LaVine could be headed to 'dysfunction' without a buffer

Darron Cummings/AP Photos

LAS VEGAS – The way Arturas Karnisovas sees his current push towards a youth movement is “it’s still not a final product.”

The Bulls’ executive vice president of basketball operations made that clear when he met with a small group of reporters on Sunday.

But he may have a bigger issue on his hands if there aren’t more changes made. It will be both unfinished and possibly “dysfunctional.”

According to an NBA source attending Summer League play, not only is Karnisovas trying to move off Zach LaVine because of the three years, $138 million left on his contract, but also concerns that the distrust LaVine has with the front office, and specifically head coach Billy Donovan, could lead to a “dysfunctional” locker room, especially if LaVine starts poisoning the well that the younger players are drinking from.