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The Hedge Report: Michal Rozsival keeping up, helping out Hawks

Related Topics: Michal Rozsíval, Defenceman

A friend of mine has a nickname for Michal Rozsival that he uses each time a conversation about the Blackhawks turns to the 37-year old defenseman.

“Oh, you mean Michal Slowest-of-All?” he’ll say. “Seems like a great guy, that ‘Slowest-of-All,’ but I don’t know why they keep bringing him back.”

Full disclosure here … neither did I when Rozsival was re-signed this past summer. Neither did most who follow the Blackhawks. Other than adding a veteran at a bargain $600,000 salary, it didn’t make much sense.

The Blackhawks increased their depth on defense by bringing Brian Campbell back as a free agent, and there just didn’t seem to be a regular role for Rozsival, outside of helping Czech countryman Michal Kempny adjust to life in the NHL.