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Aaron Rodgers’ dabbling in psychedelia has been mocked, but it seems to be working out OK for him

By now you’ve heard the Aaron Rodgers gags about his looks and his dabbling in the land of psychedelia: Rodgers will soon be starring as Nicolas Cage in ‘‘Con Air II,’’ ayahuasca boils will replace fish boils in Green Bay, Cheesehead hats are soon to become mushroom heads . . .

It’s pretty easy to chuckle with condescension when thinking about the Packers quarterback’s tales of downing the psychedelic plant liquid known as ayahuasca, a boiled concoction containing the psychoactive component DMA, which isn’t considered a violation of the NFL’s drug policy.

Rodgers took ayahuasca trips to Peru in 2020 and 2021, he stated on a recent podcast with health guru Aubrey Marcus, in order to find ‘‘self-love.