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N'Golo Kante RETURNS to full Chelsea training with midfielder's fears about coronavirus eased in major boost to Frank Lampard's side ahead of Premier League restart later this month

Chelsea have been handed a major boost ahead of the Premier League's restart with the return of N'Golo Kante to full first-team training.

Kante had been one player vocal about his concerns of footballers returning to football in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic - choosing not to train fully as a result.

However, it appears that the midfielder's fears have been eased as he trained with his team-mates on Tuesday.

N'Golo Kante (centre left) is back training with Chelsea after having his Covid-19 fears eased
Tuesday was the first full contact Kante had participated in following the Covid-19 pandemic
The 29-year-old midfielder had trained alone for the past fortnight beforehand as a result

The 29-year-old looked at ease at the Blues' Cobham base as he participated in some rondo drills before calmly scoring later in a practice match.