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Chelsea captain John Terry pictured with rapper Drake after O2 Arena show

John Terry might not have had a playing role in Chelsea 3-1 win over Arsenal on Saturday — but it did mean he had the best seats in the house for two of the events of the weekend in London.

Terry, 36, followed his spot on the bench at Stamford Bridge with a prime seat at the O2 Arena, watching Drake's show at the Greenwich venue before meeting the rapper afterwards.

Posing in an image with wife Toni, Terry wrote: 'Good to see you @champagnepapi. Unbelievable show tonight @toniterry26. What a pic this is.'

John Terry poses with rapper Drake and the Chelsea captain's wife Toni at the O2 Arena
John Terry poses with rapper Drake and the Chelsea captain's wife Toni at the O2 Arena
Terry and team-mate Kurt Zouma laugh while warming down after the win over Arsenal
Terry and team-mate Kurt Zouma laugh while warming down after the win over Arsenal

Sunday evening's gig was part of an eight-night stint for Drake in London on his 'Boy Meets World' tour – with Terry taking in the show in a gap in his Chelsea schedule.