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Callum Hudson-Odoi 'feeling fine and back to his usual self' as he overcomes coronavirus following self-isolation period with Chelsea forward now back training at home to maintain fitness

Chelsea star Callum Hudson-Odoi has made a full recovery from coronavirus after he was struck down with the disease earlier this month.

The winger became the first top flight player to be diagnosed with the virus that has shut down sport in England, with football currently suspended until at least April 30.

At the time of his announcement that he had tested positive for the coronavirus, the 19-year-old said he was 'following the health guidelines and self-isolating myself from everybody'.

Chelsea star Callum Hudson-Odoi has recovered from coronavirus and is now building fitness
The 19-year-old assured fans he was feeling okay after being diagnosed with the virus

But his club have now reported that the teenager had overcome the illness and was now building up his fitness levels again ahead of a possible return to action.