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Agent cleared of sending former Chelsea director Marina Granovskaia a threatening email launches multi-million-pound lawsuit against her and the club over fees he claims he is owed

The agent cleared of sending a threatening email to former Chelsea director Marina Granovskaia has lodged a lawsuit against her and the club.

Saif Alrubie has filed a multi-million-pound claim with the London Circuit Commercial Court over fees he alleges are still owed to him as part of Kurt Zouma's £30million transfer from the Blues to West Ham in August 2021.

Alrubie was found not guilty of malicious communications four months ago at Southwark Crown Court with Granovskaia criticising the 'ugly side of football'.

The intermediary was charged with a single count of sending an electronic communication with an intent to cause distress after emailing Granovskaia on May 22, 2022, over a payment of £300,000 he believes he was owed from Zouma's move.