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The Hornets aren’t in a good place, but staying the course is better than the alternative

One of better TV shows currently on air is The Good Place, which takes a comedic and smart look at the afterlife and how our actions determine whether we end up in heaven or hell (or, rather, in the “Good” or “Bad Place”). Without revealing too much (though minor spoilers ahead), one depiction of the Bad Place isn’t a fiery inferno but rather a ruse: characters are granted things from their life they covet, but with a twisted catch that is so subtle they don’t realize they are actually being tortured. Eventually the main characters discover this, and when faced with the prospect of what the Bad Place would be for each of them, one character named Jason Mendoza, a dumb but lovable Floridian with a passion for the Jacksonville Jaguars, EDM music, and throwing Molotov cocktails says, “I’ll probably go to a Skrillex concert, and I’ll be waiting for the bass drop, and it.