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Charlotte claims win over Clemson

Charlotte 49ers (3-2) defeated the Clemson Tigers(1-1) at Lifetime Fitness in South Charlotte. Niners took four singles matches to win 4-3, including a nail-biting win from Benjamin Wayand.

Clemson showed up for the doubles matches where they won two point behind two duos: Alex Favrot and Simon Baudry as well as Sam Edwards and Yizhou Liu. Favrot and Baudry defeated Charlotte’s Wayand and Sam Rice 6-2 in the first double. Liu and Edwards won the second 6-3 against Charlotte’s Luca Kesit and Constandinos Christoforou. The third double was stopped 5-4 with Charlotte’s Alejandro Garcia Moreno and Oriol Puig Forne leading Clemson’s Carlos Keladidis and Mashal Dagostine 5-4.