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Pac-12 Power Rankings, Week 1: Was UC L.A.’s improbable comeback over Texas A&M enough to muscle into our top spot?

Leland Wong: Welcome to our first week of Power Rankings with actual data! We—the sufficiently stupid to pledge our lives to diligently maintain CGB—are here to rank the Pac-12 teams for their performances this year, particularly for the latest week. For the purposes of this post, we’re counting the Week 0 games (i.e., Stanfurd–Rice and Oregon State–Colorado State) as if they just happened. (Also, the concept of Week 0 is even stupider than us.)

I find that ranking teams in Weeks 1 and 2 are actually tougher than the preseason. In the preseason, I accept that no one has any idea what’s going on and I’m not paid enough to follow all of Pac-12 teams too closely, so I’m fine with being wrong.