Just days after Utah’s Proposition 2 was approved, Republican lawmakers removed and replaced it with legislation approved by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Rushed thru with remarkable speed, it became law. There was not a single embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, uncomfortable look by Utah’s Republicans for the contempt shown to Utah’s voters.
1) Unnecessary move of the Utah State Prison (developers and real estate agents in the Legislature to personally profit with prison land vacated),
2) Punishing the ‘Democratic’ Salt Lake City and County by placing new prison in Salt Lake City and ensuring cost overruns by deciding (contrary to the citizen’s desire) the new prison be placed in an unsuitable location, with inappropriate soil foundation unable to developed without costly remediation,
3) Refusal to expand Medicare for several years to help least among us (contrary to the wishes of Utah’s citizens),
Because the Legislature cavalierly ignored Utah’s citizens, we now have what LDS leadership ordained — Proposition 2 destroyed.