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Are you a cop who has lied on the job? Salt Lake County prosecutors want to know before you testify in court

Related Topics: Salt Lake County, Lied

Police officers in Salt Lake County will soon have to answer questions about their truthfulness, biases and disciplinary history before taking the witness stand.

Starting next Monday, the prosecutor’s office will begin issuing questionnaires to police officers who have been subpoenaed to testify, asking whether they have been caught lying or done something else that could jeopardize court cases.

Local police contacted by The Tribune say they plan to comply with the questionnaires. But the Utah Fraternal Order of Police would prefer a statewide protocol, rather than a county-by-county approach, an official said.

The new protocol is a result of nearly two years of discussions between District Attorney Sim Gill’s office and police agencies across Salt Lake County, Gill said in a recent interview.