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62 percent of Utahns support a ballot initiative to expand Medicaid.

Utahns have shown consistent support for a Medicaid expansion, judging from polls over the last three years.

A spring 2014 survey showed three in four voters backed full expansion of the health coverage to about 120,000 low-income residents. Another poll question early last year, which noted a state price tag of $78 million, drew less support: 44 percent backed expansion, 39 percent were against. And a survey in spring of 2016 showed 51 percent of Utahns supported full coverage.

Now, a new poll commissioned by The Salt Lake Tribune and the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics has found 62 percent of Utahns either strongly or somewhat support an initiative petition to put full Medicaid expansion on the state’s November 2018 ballot.