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The art of the 10-day deal - Henry Sims and Sean Kilpatrick talk about the big chance

Related Topics: Sean Kilpatrick, Henry Sims

Fred Katz writes Wednesday about the art of dealing with a 10-day contract, focusing on Sean Kilpatrick, who made the most of his audition, with a $2.25 million contract, and Henry Sims, who's trying to do the same.

The two 26-year-olds, the first players signed in the Sean Marks era, tell Katz what it's like having so little time to impress and what they learned from previous 10-days, recalling how their first short-term deal made them a bit crazy. Anxiety haunts your every move and not just when on the court.

"I think probably when you’re on your first 10-day or you’re a rookie or something, you’re not accustomed to the NBA lifestyle," Sims told Katz.