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Army veteran who was 'stickler for safety' slipped to his death trying to retrieve a drone from a Snowdon ridge, inquest hears

Related Topics: British Army

An Army veteran slipped to his death while trying to retrieve a drone from a narrow Snowdon ridge, an inquest heard today.

Mountaineering enthusiast William Onion, 33, who served in Afghanistan before becoming a fitness trainer, was 'a stickler for safety', the hearing was told.

But tragically at around 11am on November 11 last year – Armistice Day - he suffered multiple injuries while filming with his drone on Crib Goch, regarded as the toughest route up the 1,085 metres (3,560 ft) peak and scene of multiple previous tragedies.

Sarah Edwards, who was among five friends who accompanied him on the ascent, said the former lance corporal had slipped and cut his knee and finger minutes earlier, commenting: 'Did you see that?