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Football S&P+ Update: Boston College Ranked #62

Related Topics: Standard & Poor's

It’s time for our weekly look at the Football S&P+ rankings, developed by FootballOutsiders and featured prominently in SB Nation’s college football coverage. From FootballOutsiders, a description:

The components for S&P+ reflect opponent-adjusted components of four of what Bill Connelly has deemed the Five Factors of college football: efficiency, explosiveness, field position, and finishing drives. (A fifth factor, turnovers, is informed marginally by sack rates, the only quality-based statistic that has a consistent relationship with turnover margins.)

Here are the components of the ratings shared below:

Second-Order Wins (2ndO Wins): Defined here and discussed in further detail here and here, second-order wins compare the advanced statistical components of a given game, and the single-game win expectancy they create, to the actual results of the game.