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Football. BC Unveils Aer Lingus College Football Classic Trophy

Chestnut Hill, Mass. – The Boston College Athletics Department welcomed members of the Aer Lingus College Football Classic steering committee to Chestnut Hill on Thursday afternoon to unveil the Keough-Naughton College Football Ireland Trophy, which will be presented to the winner of the BC-Georgia Tech tilt in Dublin to open the 2016 season.

John Anthony, CEO Anthony Travel and co-founder of Irish American Event Ltd., Steven Kavanagh, CEO of Aer Lingus, Martin Murphy, CEO of Aviva Stadium in Dublin, Padraic O’Kane, CEO of and co-founder of Irish America Events Ltd., Neil Naughtin, chief executive of Glen Dimplex and chairman of the steering community, helped BC Athletics Director Brad Bates and BC’s director of News and Public Affairs Jack Dunn unveil the trophy at a live press conference in Conte Forum.