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BC Interruption’s 2021-22 Female Rookie of the Year is Abby Newhook

Related Topics: Boston College, Alex Newhook

It’s summertime, and that means it’s time for that sweet, sweet offseason content. We’re getting things rolling with the annual BC Interruption Awards!

The BC Interruption Awards (The BCI’eys!) will run for the next two and a half weeks with one post per day to celebrate the best players, moments, and teams of the 2021-2022 Boston College athletic season. So without further ado, we present the first BCI’ey of the summer:

The 2021-2022 BC Interruption Award for Female Rookie of the Year goes to Abby Newhook!

Abby came to the Heights with pretty high expectations as one of the top recruits in Coach Crowley’s 2021-2022 freshman class, and she certainly lived up to the hype.