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Video: Stevens and the Celtics talk building chemistry and preparing for tomorrow's opener in Milan


25 secs agoNLIB-Gronk is unguardable: for celtics life
35 secs agoNLIB-Gronk is unguardable: nop would really suck with mkg
50 secs agoLuka: what writer?
1 min agoBodin Mutombo: the luck of the draft, folks
2 mins agoBodin Mutombo: I mean imagine how things would be different with Anthony Davis
2 mins agoNLIB-Gronk is unguardable: i saw someone the other day asking that question
3 mins agoSkematik-6 Yrs No Center: lol
4 mins agoNLIB-Gronk is unguardable: they are looking for new writer if anyone is interested
6 mins agoNLIB-Gronk is unguardable: mj at 50+ would knock more shots than mkg
6 mins agoBodin Mutombo: they wanted to see him improve this season.