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Here’s the Celtics’ Summer League schedule

The NBA released its Summer League schedule Monday, and the Celtics have four matchups set and one more to-be-determined game to follow.

They drew the summer version of the three teams they faced most recently in their playoff run.

Here’s their schedule:

Saturday, July 9: Heat, 5:30 p.m. NBATV

Monday, July 11: Bucks, 8 p.m, NBATV

Tuesday, July 12: Warriors, 8 p.m., ESPN2

Thursday, July 14: Grizzlies, 3:30 p.m., NBATV

Saturday, July 16 or Sunday, July 17: One more game

Every team plays four games from July 7-15, and the two teams with the best records from the first four games meet in a championship clash July 17.