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Celtics Podcast - Isaiah Thomas' flagrant foul, and it's time for the Celtics to fill their biggest need 12-20-16's Mike Petraglia and Ben Kichen of the 'Dale and Holley Show' talk about Isaiah Thomas' flagrant foul against the Heat, and also discuss why it's time for the Celtics to address their biggest need.

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Must celtics' five game. This whole thing Celtics. All things green. All things NBA league believes that he would be a very special player thus Celtics podcast starts now keeps coming. TI dot com's Mike petroleum. Welcome back to another edition of the Celtics podcast for a few by JPL on WEEI dot com my name is Mike to try a fat drags TR EG yes I am joined is always by young band that would be banned catcher and the outstanding executive producer of the bill college program afternoons on WEEI between two.