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Leftover Chowder: Bruins vs. Red Wings

Holidays got us a little busy but not much else going on until Wednesday! We figured you might want to relive the glory of the last two games by reading this recap today and the Rangers one tomorrow.

Period 1A: The Red Wingening

Pleasantries were exchanged as the game was about to start.

That BBKM is just so..

As we usually do, we started taking about food, and some of it being weird food.

Sister decided to start off by singing a song from the Morning Free Association™ to get the Bruins going:

Then she decided to yell at Chowderites, with backup from Miss Muse, Backerupper:

And since BBKM required advice that he didn't know he needed, phony advised him on what is acceptable:

Being Thanksgiving Eve, the college students return home:

Oh, wait, Sister was not done yelling yet:

By now, the game had started and things were happening:

Newtonian Fluid brought us goals and showed us to the promised land!