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Boise State spooky Halloween roster

Tomorrow is Halloween...the spookiest holiday of the year. The Broncos also happen to play tomorrow, so I thought it only fitting to completely rip off a gag The Simpsons have been doing for years and releasing a "scary" Boise State roster. Admittedly, some of these are terrible, so add your own (probably better) names in the comments section—the full roster can be found HERE.

Robert Ash
Ladarryl "Linda" Blair
Killin’ Buhr
Donte Dyin’
Jack "O’lantern" Fields
Kaleb "Haunted" Hill
No Mercy Maston
Sam McCasket
Sean Monster
Tyler Horns
Tyler Rawrsa
Brett the Rypper
Thomas Speared Back
Dylan Sumner-Gargoyle
Andrew Terse Hack
Scare-ian Thompson
Ben Cleaver
Samhain Whitney
Brain Williams-Toads
Damion Fright
Mario Yuck-Ew
A-Killin’ the Butler
David Lacerate
Meat Locher
Garrett Killingham
Kamalei North Korea
Pall Semons
Accostin' Silsby
Thomas Stewed Heart
Justin Tumultuous
Raymond Horde
Chase Bleakly
Brock Barbed
Darreon Hack-son
Jake Knight-mare
Garrett Larceny
Scarin' Lee
Splat Pistone
Axe O’Rourke
Devan Demons
Macin’ Hampton