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Marlon Humphrey’s nickname for Nate Wiggins rebuffed by Coach Chris Hewitt

Related Topics: Marlon Humphrey, Nate Wiggins

On Tuesday, cornerback Marlon Humphrey told the media they should ask first-round rookie cornerback Nate Wiggins his new nickname, who was next on the podium following practice. Wiggins, who hasn’t fully resigned himself to the title, shared Humphrey is calling him “Nasty Nate.”

“OK, it’s not my nickname, [Marlon Humphrey] gave it to me,” Wiggins said. “He called me ‘Nasty Nate.’ I guess I play nasty defense, I guess. That’s his nickname for me. He wanted me to tell you all that’s my nickname. I am not ... It’s not official for me yet, I don’t know. It might [become] get official.