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Bird’s Eye View – Episode 164: How To Root For A Good Team

The Orioles lost their first game after their second seven-game winning streak of the season. Yeah, things are pretty good in Birdland at the moment. Enjoy the ride, everybody. Unless you’re Jake – in which case, stay away from OPACY on Sundays. #BanJake. Remember to listen to Bird’s Eye View on Google Play Music!

The Drink of the Week has gone from drowning our sorrows to celebrating wins. If you’re “celebrating” along, tell us what you’re up to via Twitter (@birdseyeviewbal), or on Untapped (jakee4025 and magn8606).

This week’s Medical Wing has the following patients:

nothing like an impromptu sports fight to remind you that behind a thin veneer of civility every last one of us is a bloodthirsty monster

— Jeff Sullivan (@based_ball) May 16, 2016

O’Day on first base umpire’s call: ‘Mark Wegner absolutely embarrassed himself’ https://t.