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Ra'Shede Hageman will be playing a lot more defensive end, Tyson Jackson will kick inside

A year ago, the Falcons used Tyson Jackson more as a defensive end on the strong side, with Ra'Shede Hageman primarily playing in the middle. This year, those two are effectively switching.

— vaughn mcclure (@vxmcclure23) May 16, 2016

Hageman has shown flashes of terrifying power in his first two seasons in the NFL, outright dominating offensive linemen at times. The problem is that he hasn't done so consistently, and with Grady Jarrett emerging, Jonathan Babineaux and T-Jax kicking around, and Derrick Shelby potentially kicking inside

This potentially opens Hageman up for more work when the team isn't in a nickel defense, which McClure notes will probably feature Adrian Clayborn, Grady Jarrett, Derrick Shelby, and Vic Beasley.