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An Open Letter To The Postmaster General

07 May

The Honorable Megan J. Brennan
Postmaster General of the United States
475 L’Enfant Plaza
Washington, D.C. 20260

Dear Postmaster General Brennan:

I would like to alert your office to a potential violation of Title 18 U.S. Code Section 1341, which, as you know, is more colloquially known as Mail Fraud. The possible offenders are a number of professional athletes, engaged in playing Major League Baseball for the Atlanta National League Baseball Club, and their management and front office, who are ‘mailing in’ this season. As a long time supporter of the ANLBBC, I am deeply grieved that this collection of “athletes” is being foisted off on the good people of the South, and that at least 23,514 paying customers were deceived into thinking that they would witness a competitive game between two teams.