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Concern as Arsenal harvest fans' data by running online survey while Natalie Sawyer left Sky Sports News due to concerns over her role at channel

Arsenal’s deal with Tel Aviv-based company KonnecTo has caused some comment at a time when data harvesting and online security of private information are hot topics.

Intelligence-based data collection and analysis platform KonnecTo, run by ex-Israeli military staff, are one of six start-up companies that the club are partnering as part of an initiative to gain a deeper understanding of the Arsenal fanbase.

But concern has arisen following Arsenal and KonnecTo running an online survey for fans in Nigeria with a competition prize as an incentive.

KonnecTo are partnering Arsenal as part of an initiative to gain a big understanding of fanbase
KonnecTo are partnering Arsenal as part of an initiative to gain a big understanding of fanbase

For by signing up for the survey, fans agreed to let KonnecTo trawl their data on social media at a highly sensitive time on the cyber front — collecting pictures and mentions of brands.