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ASU notes: Sophomore N'Keal Harry redefining the "50-50" ball

Related Topics: Manny Wilkins

Arizona State quarterback Manny Wilkins has mentioned it more than once. When it comes to N’Keal Harry, there’s no such thing as a 50-50 ball.

“They’re 100 percent balls,” Wilkins said.

Yes, the quarterback is exaggerating, but he’s not far off. When it comes to Harry, those 50-50 balls are more like 75-25.

Still darn impressive.

First off, perhaps we should define “50-50” ball. They are the passes that a quarterback strategically puts up for grabs, receiver against defender, may the best man win.

More often than not, Harry does.

Check this out: Through four games, Wilkins has targeted Harry 42 times.