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On the first day of D-backsmas, Ken Kendrick gave to me...

To tide us over the long, dark and largely baseball-free Christmas period (though Fox Sports Arizona are having a marathon on Christmas Day, but more on that tomorrow...), let’s go back the idea we did last year, and rewrite the 12 days of Christmas with a D-backs theme, appropriate to 2016. In case, for some inexplicable reason you’re not aware of this song, the lyrics end up at (more or less - there are apparently regional variations!):

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me:

  • Twelve Drummers Drumming
  • Eleven Pipers Piping
  • Nine Ladies Dancing
  • Eight Maids a Milking
  • Seven Swans a Swimming
  • Six Geese a Laying
  • Five Gold Rings
  • Four Calling Birds
  • Three French Hens
  • Two Turtle Doves
  • and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

For reference - and to avoid particularly shameless repetition of the 2015 verses!