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Analyzing the Arizona Diamondbacks’ nicknames for Players’ Weekend

Or, “blandly uninteresting”, if you prefer, these all basically being shortenings of the player in question’s real name. Except, I guess, for Lambo, which is 25% longer than Jake’s actual last name, and Braaach, which does at least add a couple of extra vowels. Bit surprised to see Robbie Ray going with Bob, as I’ve never heard anyone refer to him as that before. I hope there’s no confusion over the two Macs on the roster. We may be in trouble if T.J. McFarland starts controlling the running game...

  • 12 - La Foca = Rubby De La Rosa
  • 24 - Tanque = Yasmany Tomas
  • 28 - Flaco = J.