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What do past and current black employees think of the Arizona Cardinals’ hiring practices?

Related Topics: Rod Graves, Adrian Wilson

Today, as the nation honors Juneteenth, would you be curious to know what do a host of black employees (former and present) think of the Cardinals’ ownership with regard to hiring practices?

Here is a short list of people one most likely would ask:

  • Rod Graves —- only Cardinals’ GM to take the team to a Super Bowl
  • Adrian Wilson —- Ring of Honor Cardinals’ icon who became a co-interim GM in 2022.
  • Quentin Harris —- long term head of college scouting turned co-interim GM in 2022.
  • Steve Wilks —- fired after one season as head coach amidst front office turmoil spawned in large part by a suspended GM (excessive DUI) and the owner’s violations of NFL rules
  • The secretaries who reported to ESPN that they were driven to tears by getting “Bidwilled”, some of whom while pregnant.