ESPN+ Tiers
Which of ESPN+’s NFL team tiers do you think the Cardinals should belong this season:
- Still major contenders
- On the cusp
- Need a postseason breakthrough
- Teetering contenders
- Headed on the right track
- Stuck in the middle...but a move or two away
- Stuck in QB purgatory
- This could go either way
- New coach, new direction
- Rebuild in the works
- Yep, still rebuilding
ROTB Poll Results (138 votes)
- 2% —-Still major contenders —-(3 votes)
- 7% —-On the cusp —- (10 votes)
- 7% —- Need a postseason breakthrough (10 votes)
- 7% —-Teetering contenders —-(10 votes)
- 20% —-Headed on the right track —-(27 votes)
- 22% —- Stuck in the middle.