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ROTB 2024 Cardinals’ Position Group Assessments Results

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Thanks to the votes of over 250 ROTB members, the Cardinals’ pre-season position group assessments of NFL top/middle/bottom rankings are crystal clear.

ROTB Poll Results:

  • QB —- 59% —> middle
  • RB —- 73% —-> top
  • WR —-63% —-> top
  • TE —- 74% —-> top
  • OL —- 73% —-> middle
  • DI —- 60% —-> bottom
  • ED —- 69% —-> bottom
  • ILB —- 58% —-> middle
  • CB —- 55% —-> bottom
  • S —- 75% —-> top
  • ST —- 54% —-> top
  • Roster —- 89% —-> middle
  • NFC West —- 65% —-> middle
  • Surprise Position Group: 28% WR —- 22% DI —- 16% CB


Fans’ Most Confident Position Groups:

  1. S —- 75%
  2. TE —- 74%
  3. RB —- 73%

Fans’ Least Confident Position Groups:

  1. ED —- 69%
  2. DI —- 60%
  3. CB —- 55%

2024 Season Prospects for the Arizona Cardinals

  1. A roster ranked in the middle of the NFL could contend for a playoff bid
  2. A roster ranked in the middle of the NFC West could mean a 3-3 or better division record
  3. If the 3 surprise position groups of WR, DI and CB happen to surprise, it could mean a winning season, provided the team’s top ranked position groups play up to snuff.