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'War Room' an overwrought Bible study class of a drama

Preachy doesn't begin to describe "War Room," a mighty long-winded and wincingly overwrought domestic drama from Sony's faith-based Affirm Films division.

Real estate agent Liz (real-life Christian educator Priscilla Shirer) is going through an extended rough patch in her marriage when she finds counseling from an unexpected source: Miss Clara, an older pious woman (Karen Abercrombie) whose home she's listing.

As Miss Clara sees it, the issues that Liz has with her husband, Tony (T.C. Stallings), can be blamed entirely on her part-time churchgoing. Miss Clara persuades Liz to convert a home closet into a "war room" where she can get right with God by drawing up a battle plan marshaling prayer as the ultimate weapon to save her crumbling family.