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60 Things to Love About Alabama: A very haunted place...

Boo, MFers

Alabama is, according to some, a very haunted place: Not necessarily the William Faulkner, sins-of-our-fathers kind of haunting (though that is true as well.)

No, we’re talking about ghosts: haints and haunts, goopher dust and goblins and gremlins, spooks and spirits, trolls and tommyknockers. A place like Alabama — a deeply religious society with broad influences from Pan-Carib, West African, British, and Appalachian peoples — can’t help but be culturally primed for syncretic mysticism. And it has resulted in nearly every county and every landmark in Alabama having its own ghosts.

There are the respectful ghosts, those just coming by to pay a visit (even if they’re not very good at picking up their mess):

Apparently, a bartender working at the [Tutwiler] hotel in 1995 experienced a multitude of ghost sightings after the lights of the bar and kitchen would turn on by themselves.