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Golden State Warriors’ Jordan Poole tries his best to avoid fine after win against Lakers

Jordan Poole, like most NBA players and fans, is no stranger to the implications of a lopsided free throw differential. This seemed to be clarified on Thursday following the Golden State Warriors’ 128-112 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers.

Understanding that implication does require a conspiratorial mindset. One team having more free throw attempts than the other brings up the possibility that officials favored the former team on the floor during the game. For context, the Lakers last night had 38 free throw attempts, while the Dubs had a mere 10. For further context, conspiracy theory-minded fans believe the Lakers are constantly benefitting from favorable whistles because of their brand as the NBA’s cash cow — the Tim Donaghy scandal certainly did not help such thoughts, but it’s worth noting there’s no evidence that the league is telling officials to help the Lakers out in games.