After searching from high and low, we have compiled some of the most hilarious and mean spirited LeBron James related Tweets of the day. Check them out, and follow us @chatcavs for more funny LeBron stories, Cavs information and other NBA news.
@Mr__Kenya: RT @RealSkipBayless: Now I know why DWade & LeBron were coughing so much for cameras. They were practicing coughing up leads, which they did in every loss.
@zackbosshard5: RT @TheeDosEquisMan: When asked to comment on the NBA Finals he said, "Lebron doesnt always disappear, but when he does, he prefers it to be during the playoffs"
@parkerwheby13: If Lebron James wanted a championship ring he should have stayed in Cleveland and bought one off of Terrelle Pryor.
@D_is4DIVA: Corny but cute RT @MrHAV0C: "Why didnt lebron go to college? Because he didnt wanna show up for the finals" LMAO
@Josh_Vaughan: @AraAbrahamian You heard about that new LeBron phone?... It's pretty nice, but it only has vibrate..... You know, no ring.
@thorninaz: In honor of LeBron James day I left work 14min early.
@kemindolo: So... I asked Lebron for a dollar and he gave me 75 cents. Apparently he doesn't have a fourth quarter.
@apaciblekeevin: RT @geneiandiaz: Did you guys hear about LeBron's autobiography? It got delayed again because it doesn't have a title yet. #heyo
@TravelingMasten: #LeBron is the Dan Marino of the #NBA. Amazing numbers in regular season, but very little in postseason. Ouch!
@EspanolaHotCola: BREAKING NEWS! Lebron James was just dropped by sponsors at State Farm, because he doesn't show up when you need him. #likeagoodneighbor...
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