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James Laurinaitis’ Promotion Not a Huge Shift, But Allows Jim Knowles to Focus More on Ohio State’s Defensive Scheme

Related Topics: James Laurinaitis, Jim Knowles

James Laurinaitis’ coronation as linebackers coach occurred this offseason, but he ruled as the room’s regent in all but name in 2023.

Recruiting to whatever extent a graduate assistant can, heavily involved in the position’s on-field development and even dictating some of the in-game rotations, there are only subtle ways that Laurinaitis’ promotion changed the alignment of Ohio State’s coaching staff.

“I don’t think a lot is different. I certainly felt like the linebacker coach last year,” Laurinaitis said after being named full-time linebackers coach. “I think the guys would have said the same thing. It’s the little things to me, maybe not doing some things in the breakdown that a graduate assistant does.